It is a known fact that your brakes are extremely essential to your vehicle. In knowing this, you need to make sure you are taking care of your brake system the best way that you can - this includes making sure there is brake fluid in your vehicle. Without brake fluid, you wouldn't be able to stop your vehicle. Your brake fluid is critical to the braking system of your vehicle because it is needed to perform its duty in all the right conditions. Many may not be aware, there are different types of brake fluid; here's what they are:
- DOT 3: This is glycol-based brake fluid and will be amber in color. It has the lowest dry boiling point you will be able to find.
- DOT 4: If you have an international vehicle this may be what is used. It is glycol-based but it has a higher boiling point. It will cost more due to having extra chemicals in it. The performance early on is better, but the boiling point will drop quickly in later stages.
- DOT 5: This is a silicone-based brake fluid; it usually has a purple color and it cost just about the same price as DOT 4. It also has a high boiling point but it doesn't absorb water like other types of brake fluid will. You should NEVER mix this brake fluid with other brake fluid.
- DOT 5.1: It has a similar boiling point to DOT 4; it is glycol-based and the color can range from light amber to translucent. Essentially, it's a DOT 4 brake fluid that can meet DOT 5 regulations, it just has a chemical makeup.
- DOT 2: This brake fluid isn't really used in the automotive industry. It is a mineral oil-based brake fluid… it has low wet and dry boiling points. The dry boiling point is the wet boiling point of DOT 5 and DOT 5.1 brake fluids.
You want to make sure that the proper brake fluid that is needed for your vehicle is utilized. If you need brake fluid services, give our auto repair shop a call today!